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Curious about the carbon market? Wondering how carbon trading works?  Need a tutorial on self-directed investing?  Want to understand issues surrounding the climate crisis? 

AVID has you covered.

Climate Facts

    • Oceans

      Oceans provide the planet with 70% of our oxygen*. But 50% of all ocean coral reefs have been destroyed*.

      You can choose to invest in AVID Climate Units that finance projects to support ocean health restoration, greenhouse gas reduction, or the development of technologies that harness the ocean’s natural, renewable energy. All, while you also potentially earn income on your ACU investment!

      of ocean reefs
      have been destroyed
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    • Forests

      Forests absorb a net 7.6 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas annually*,  But deforestation is a significant contributor to climate change. 9.3 million hectares of tree cover were globally lost in 2021.  

      You can choose to invest in AVID Climate Units that finance projects to support reforestation and protect biodiversity. All, while you also potentially earn income on your ACU investment!

      million hectares of forest
      were lost in 2021
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    • Energy

      Fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas still account for the vast majority of the world’s energy consumption*.  The burning of fossil fuels is the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions*. 

      You can choose to invest in AVID Climate Units that finance projects to support the transition to wind, solar, or other renewable energy sources. All, while you also potentially earn income on your ACU investment!

      of electricity generation comes
      from renewable energy sources
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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Learn about carbon credits and AVID’s climate investment platform by reading the Q&A.
    Who is AVID for?

    AVID is for anyone who wants to make a positive impact on the planet and take control of their financial future.

    Whether you're an experienced investor looking for diversification or just starting out, AVID’s user-friendly platform makes it easy to invest in environmentally-friendly projects. 

    AVID is the first platform of its kind to finally empower almost everyone to self-trade AVID’s proprietary climate units (ACU’s) and create a circular flow of capital to critical climate solutions.

    What is Climate Impact Investing with AVID?

    Unlike investments in most stocks, funds, or interest-bearing accounts, Climate Impact investing with AVID means you are making a financial investment to purchase assets derived specifically from climate impact projects.

    Proprietary AVID Climate Units (ACUs) are made up of fractionalized carbon credits, a type of asset created by climate impact projects. Your climate impact investment with AVID carries the possibility of earning a financial return when ACUs in your portfolio increase in value.

    What are carbon credits?

    Carbon credits are a key tool in the fight against the climate crisis. Each credit represents one ton of carbon (or the equivalent of another greenhouse gas) which is either removed from or prevented from being emitted into the atmosphere. 

    Carbon credits are created by projects that reduce, avoid, or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. For example, a wind farm project may generate carbon credits by replacing electricity from fossil fuel sources.

    Carbon credits use an accepted scientific methodology and are certified by experts. They come from projects which are “additional.” That means the project would not have happened without financing from the carbon markets - therein lies their impact.

    Investors can buy and sell carbon credits to potentially earn income as the price of carbon credits fluctuate with market demands. 

    Carbon credits have been delivering strong returns, exceeding all other correlated commodities over the last five years.

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    How are carbon credits traded?

    Carbon trading used to be limited to accredited investors and companies on specialized exchanges, and has been generally unavailable to self-traders. 

    But now, AVID is working hard to change that by making carbon trading accessible to nearly everyone and teaching them about the carbon projects in which they are investing. 

    That means you don't have to be a big corporation to get in on the action! By investing in AVID Climate Units (ACUs) through our platform, you can make a positive impact on the environment while potentially earning a nice return on your investment.

    How are AVID Climate Units (ACUs) different from carbon credits?

    Each AVID Climate Unit (ACU) is made up of fractionalized carbon credits from several different climate impact projects, all of which have achieved rigorous AVID Standards™ for quality.

    ACUs lower investors' risk by diversifying the investment and enable investors to purchase units at smaller investment levels than are required for carbon credit trading. Read more in “How does AVID ensure the quality of my investments?”

    What is the AVID Standards™ process for carbon credits?

    Are you wondering how AVID ensures that your investment goes only to the best quality/most valuable carbon projects? AVID Standards™ is the answer! 

    AVID Standards™ is AVID’s proprietary process to invest in the highest quality climate impact projects and streams of carbon credits. 

    AVID Standards™ are comprised of rigorous requirements that include the achievement of recognized quality standards.

    For example, in order to meet AVID Standards™, climate impact projects must meet Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), American Carbon Registry (ACR), and Gold Standard procedures, lowering the investment risks and maximizing potential returns for our members. VCS, ACR, and Gold Standard are widely recognized standards for carbon credits that have emerged to promote greater standardization and transparency in the carbon credit market.

    AVID Standards™ selects climate impact projects with a robust quantification of carbon reductions and removals. For example, AVID prioritizes projects that can be measured and monitored using artificial intelligence. AVID also looks for technology and other competitive advantages in carbon removal and offset companies, as well as ascertaining that the science underlying the project has been proven.

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    How does AVID ensure the quality of my investments?
    AVID uses AVID Standards to ensure AVID Climate Unit (ACU) investments are backed by the best quality climate impact projects. AVID is working hard to provide our members with the following:
    AVID Climate Units (ACUs) spread investment risk over a basket of climate impact projects. This can reduce the risk of putting all your money into one project or carbon credit.
    Lower volatility
    ACUs can provide exposure to a broader market or sector projects, which tends to be less volatile than individual projects. This can help reduce your exposure to market fluctuations. 
    Low correlation with other assets
    ACUs trade mainly according to supply and demand for carbon emission reductions, which represent long-term commitments to net zero by companies and organizations around the world.

    It is important to remember that no investment is completely risk-free, and buying ACUs does not guarantee that you will avoid losses. However, ACUs can be a useful tool for risk mitigation when used as part of a well-diversified investment strategy.

    trading co2 risks
    What is the risk level of carbon trading?

    As with any investment, trading AVID Climate Units (ACUs) carries a certain degree of risk. 

    The main risk associated with trading ACUs is the potential for policy shifts that could impact the demand or price of credits. For example, a change in emissions regulations or a decrease in demand for carbon credits could result in a decrease in the value of ACUs.

    Another risk is the uncertainty surrounding the effectiveness of climate impact projects. While all registered projects are scientifically evaluated and verified to ensure that they are achieving the intended emission reductions, there is still a degree of uncertainty associated with the volume of units produced and the long-term effectiveness of these projects.

    Additionally, the carbon markets are relatively new and are subject to fluctuations in supply and demand.  

    However, despite these risks, many investors and companies view carbon as a valuable investment due to the potential for financial returns and its unique positive impact on the decarbonization of the economy. As with any investment, it is important to conduct thorough research and consult with a financial advisor to assess the potential risks and rewards before trading ACUs.

    How do the risks and returns of investing on AVID compare with other investment opportunities?

    Investing in AVID Climate Units (ACUs) and investing in the stock market are two very different types of investments with different risk and return profiles.

    Investing in the stock market involves buying stocks or shares in companies that are publicly traded. Returns come from capital appreciation (an increase in the value of the stock) or dividends (a portion of the company's profits paid to shareholders). The risk and return profile of investing in the stock market can vary depending on the industry, company, and other market factors.

    Investing in ACUs directly supports projects to combat climate change. Carbon credits, of which ACUs are comprised, have had significantly higher returns than the S&P 500 over the past 5 years.

    There are unique risks with ACUs that are different from stock market risks (see “What is the risk level of Carbon trading?”). However, as companies focus more on combating climate change and moving to carbon neutrality, demand for carbon units will increase.

    Ultimately, the decision to invest in ACUs will depend on individual goals, risk tolerance, and investment preferences. It is important to carefully research and understand the risks and potential returns of each investment before deciding.

    How much control do I have over trading, tracking, and managing my climate investments on AVID?

    AVID is a self-directed trading platform, giving you a significant amount of control over your investment portfolio, including the opportunity to choose which climate impact projects you want to invest in and trade with fellow AVID members.

    There are dozens of ways to mitigate climate change. AVID provides a wide range of tools and resources to help you make informed investment decisions. This can include access to relevant market data, news and research, and metrics against the projects themselves, via unique IoT/environmental data and video feeds.

    AVID also plans to provide extensive educational information on all types of climate impact topics.

    It is important to note that while self-directed trading platforms give you a high degree of control, you are still subject to market risks and fluctuations. You will be responsible for conducting your own research, making your own investment decisions, and managing your own portfolio.

    What is the minimum investment requirement for AVID?

    Unlike most carbon trading platforms, which are unavailable to most people, AVID’s vision is to make climate impact investing available to everyone, with investments as little as $1.

    Every dollar can make a difference for a healthier planet!

    When will the AVID climate investment platform be available?
    The AVID team is working hard to launch the first-ever platform for retail carbon credit trading in the second half of 2023.
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    Do you have another question? Ask it here